An Unfinished Revolution

Almost four hundred years ago, René Descartes upended philosophical thought with his simple observation “Cogito, ergo sum -  I think therefore I am". This elegant chisel blow cleaved the brittle dogma of the day and helped usher in the

A Brave New Worldview

Do you ever feel like we might be enjoying the pleasantly warm portion of a frog boiling exercise? The seductive conveniences of the modern world are undeniable, but in a few decades climate change, gene editing and artificial intelligence will

The Future Might Not Be Friendly

If you're not scared shitless about artificial intelligence, perhaps you haven't been paying attention. On September 7, 2018, Tesla stocks plunged after Elon Musk sparked up a joint on-air with Joe Rogan. While the media and investors fixated on the

Reasoning with Robots

AI would not be the first time we have tried to communicate with an alien intelligence. The farthest human object from Earth is the Voyager I spacecraft now over 20 billion km from Earth travelling at 17 kilometers a second.

Casting Off Our Umwelt

German is the linguistic equivalent of Lego. A language seemingly designed by mechanical engineers, it offers endless utilitarian constructs unconcerned with outward charm or elegance. Need a word that doesn’t exist? Just snap together three or four small ones. Bezirksschornsteinfegermeister

Lessons From Resident Aliens

If you conjure up a mental image of a vampire bat it will be unlikely to ooze the human virtue of empathy. Like their undead namesakes of gothic fiction, these tropical flying mammals make their living by biting necks by

The Puzzle of Empathy

Charles Whitman was a handsome, bright engineering student at the University of Texas at Austin. A former US Marine, he enjoyed playing piano, volunteering as Boy Scout leader and spending time with his young wife Kathleen.  By most accounts he

Of Astronauts and Ashrams

There are no poets in space. Of the 600 or so humans who have gazed on the Earth from orbit, virtually all have been military personnel, engineers, doctors or scientists. All are highly trained and carefully selected to remain rational

Whose Human Values?

On October 22, 1844 the world did not end. This was a heartbreaking blow for the thousands of evangelical followers of preacher William Miller of upstate New York, who had calculated the exact End of Days from his mathematical study